5 reasons why coworking is a great alternative for entrepreneurs

03.08.2023, 15:04


The pandemic has caused many of us to update our living rooms, turning our former space of leisure into an adequate working space. So then why should you as an entrepreneur switch to coworking when you have already established workflow by working from home?

Let us, Desk-Hub, bring your attention to 5 reasons why coworking can be advantageous to you:

1.       Coworking keeps you active and curious: 

You can more easily separate different segments of your daily routine when working from coworking spaces. Break the boredom of classic work and choose a flexible office. Being an entrepreneur means you are continuously learning and adapting. Moreover, you can organize your work in a pleasant setting, without being tied to the classic office space and for that, you only need a laptop, your smartphone and an internet connection.


2.       Sharing and cooperation: project-based activities

Embracing a cooperation culture can be highly beneficial to you and your team by increasing the connections you can make with partners and other individuals in your field. Organizing face-to-face meetings by picking a team room for your weekly or monthly brief, is a good way to strengthen trust between yourself and your team members as well as to boost your business.


3.       Money flows: quality and affordability

For a new and dynamic start-up made-up of one person or a small group of employees or partners, it’s smarter to go for the solutions offered by coworking spaces. Renting one private office for your client calls that need privacy, a couple of hot-desks in an open area and a meeting room for a day, twice per month, ensures accountability inside your team, connection with your partners and tracking of activities, all within the margins of your budget and chosen by you.


4.       Flexibility for you to grow

If you're a small and new business, this kind of hybrid work allows you to grow as your team grows. You can begin with one hot-desk/ private office and then add another with each hire. This means that you do not have to rent an office space larger than your actual needs. Plus, you don't even have to move your headquarters when your business flourishes.


5.       Administrative facilities

Relocating offices is no longer the administrative nightmare that happens with traditional office spaces – The mandatory walk to the bank is now a thing of the past (I personally still receive emails from the previous owner’s content media company even after 3 years. This isn’t a concern for the companies using coworking spaces).


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